Und wieder gab es ein Update von Divi bei dem folgende Änderungen durchgeführt wurden:
version 3.18.1 ( updated 12-06-2018 )
– Fixed BFB not loading when https was used in backend but not in frontend.
– Fixed the issue when changes of the Tab Font Size or Tab Line Height options of the Tab Module did not displayed within Visual Builder in some cases.
– Fixed PHP errors in Yoast Page Sitemap.
– Fixed a case where removing Divi Builder support for a Custom Post Type could generate an error in Gutenberg.
– Fixed Duplicate ID Validator Error for Contact Form Module.
– Fixed Button module hover transition.
– Fixed a fatal error in the Customizer in certain cases.
– Fixed warnings in Yoast SEO sitemaps related to Dynamic Content.
– Fixed administrators always having access to the “Dynamic Content Custom Fields” capability on non-multisite environments.
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/feature/BlockEditorIntegration.php
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-content.php
* includes/builder/framework.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/builder/module/FilterablePortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPortfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/FullwidthPostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/Portfolio.php
* includes/builder/module/PostSlider.php
* includes/builder/module/SliderItem.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-global-functions.js